Graduate Teaching Assistant Positions

The Department of Web Marketing offers two separate types of Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) positions. 

These positions offer a way for graduate students to not only participate in and assist with research, classes, or their advisors work...but also get paid! 

Check them out below:

The Research Assistant position enables GTAs to lead research teams under their advisor's guidance. 

Want to work on the projects your faculty members participate in? Want to lead student groups?

Look no further than these roles!

Current Openings

  • Ashton Lab Research Assistant

    • Work in a rich, multi-media environment with Professor Ashton. 
    • Research focuses will be on user experience with pop-up ads. 
    • Minimum time-requirement is 15 hours a week.
  • Outreach Program Assistant

    • Hands-on experience with community small business members.
    • Help review and assist community members in our open marketing clinic.
  • Outreach Program Manager

    • Doctoral student position.
    • Manage a team of students and faculty in assisting community members with marketing projects in our open marketing clinic.

Teaching Assistants help faculty members with managing courses and curriculum. Attend office hours, assist students, and even teach courses and labs! Availability below:

We're sorry! All positions have been filled. A new hiring round will be conducted at the end of the semester. Please check back!

Want a little more experience in content curation? Our library needs GTA students to help manage our archives! Work in preservation and organization with historical documents. Help students and faculty utilize our resources.

Current Availability

  • Junior Curator
    We're hiring a new wave of curators! Help faculty and students retrieve materials. Work with archived, historical documents in specialized facilities!

Ready to Apply?

Make sure you have the following materials ready:

  • CV/Resume
  • Recommendation from a Faculty advisor