Career Opportunities

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Getting set up after college can be difficult. You've just earned your degree and you want to get out there in the workforce. So what type of job prospects should you be looking at after graduation with a Web Marketing degree?


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Of course, the main focus! Our degree helps you achieve your goal of becoming a web-based marketer! We set you up with the tools and knowledge to rise to the top of the field.

Not sure if marketing is for you? Don't worry! We support many other career opportunities with our majors!



Our major sets you up for success in many creative fields! Coming out of the program, you'll have extensive knowledge of industry standard tools and programs. These skills can help set you up for jobs such as:



On the more technical side of our major, we also help set you up for success in such fields as:



Our deep focus on leadership and teamwork also sets you ahead of peer institutions when it comes to management positions. You'll already have the skills and tools you'll need to lead teams to success!